Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy Birthday TO ME

I cant believe I am turning 22!!! Time goes by so fast!! and I cant believe I am 22 with 3 kids, I dont think it will ever sink in how young we were when we started having kids lol 18,19 and 20!! I see other 20 year olds and im like wow, when i was their age, i already had 3 kids, this kid does not look like they are even close to being able to handle a kid! lol ANYWAY I cant believe I'm 22! I dont feel 22 I feel older, I dont know how old but older for sure. I skipped my 20's and am in my 30's so hopefully when I'm in my 30's i feel like im in my 20's... I will be celebrating my birthday with the kids today, pretty bummed Peter isnt here today, but I'm glad he got to talk to me through chat on skype to wish me a happy birthday! i was kind of having a meltdown because we couldnt video chat since there was a bad connection but hey I felt lucky enough to get to talk to him. :) I also opened a present my friend Kristy sent me!!! She sent me a lot of Kitchen stuff that I will definitely be needing when we move into our own place again (WHICH I HAVE SOOO BEEN THINKING ABOUT WHERE I WILL MOVE ONCE PETER COMES BACK !!!!!) and she sent a book too! I think I will definitely use that one before I move out. well duh because we still have a while to go before we move out. I'm off to bed now. I cant believe how many people forgot my birthday at midnight -_- kind of annoyed BUT at least the people that I'm important to remembered lol but really its almost 2am! i need to get to bed! :)

1 comment:

  1. errrr! the one day i didnt get online at all so i had no idea your bday was SATURDAY! i went to the dodger game yesterday and was suepr dooper exhausted so never got on last night to see your post. or today =/
