Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I have been so busy lately, that at night i just cant just sit and type away like I would love to, and my phone, well i end up not posting and it saves it to my sd card in there. lol Here is a little of what has been going on with us lately

Deployment: WE ARE HALF WAY DONE!!!! I'm SOOO excited! I cant believe that its already JULY!!! We really miss Peter a lot and I feel so lucky I got to talk to peter twice in the last three days!!! We are getting ready to send over another care package, I havent sent one since the beginning of June, We decided that we need to cut back on them since we started paying for Kaitlyn's Parent Training Therapy. So anyone want to adopt Peter and send a care package feel free to! :) My parents have been nice enough to buy him stuff for me to put in his next few care packages, and of course if i find something on sale I'll buy it. Everyone, Please keep praying for our Marines that are deployed along with Peter.
Us at home: We havent been doing much lately besides therapy, yesterday for 4th of July, we just stayed home. It was too hot to go anywhere and I didnt really feel like going out somewhere with the three kids alone. Im always too afraid of something going wrong when I'm out with all three kids. Specially since Kaitlyn WILL wander off. Today Emily started a ballet class, its a class for beginners ages 3-4, It's a community Summer session here in the city, so its nice, there are only 5 other girls in there. Emily was SOOO EXCITED!!!! She kept turning around to look at us (my sister and me) and we would give her thumbs up and she would get so excited. It will really be something to look forward and a mini countdown for when peter comes home! :)

Autism: Lately Autism, or the big ugly MONSTER, has been getting the best of me, one minute I feel like we are doing so great and the next we arent. on Saturday Kaitlyn had a terrible meltdown, it made me so sad, they have these little hand crafted animals that are made out of wood, they are SUPER COOL, but Kaitlyn only wants to play with them "HER WAY" if her brother or sister touch them it creates a meltdown, our therapist said that I should bring them out all the time, because she has to learn to tolerate her siblings touching and playing along with her, and when she is in school one day, kids arent going to care if she wants to play alone or not they're just gonna want to play with the toys. So she came up to me and said "animals:)" and I said "oh wow ANIMALS :D" "lets go find them, hmmm i wonder where they are?" Kaitlyn stares at me and puts her little finger on her chin and says "I KNOW!!!!" then shows me where they are. This wasnt the respond I expected I was just planning to go on a "hunt" for them with her because I know she knows where they are at. well we took the animals out, and peter gets excited, and starts throwing them, she was screaming and crying and kicking and full on meltdown mode, I ignored her it was so hard because i just wanted to tell her it was okay. peter just wanted to play with her, but I knew it would make it worse. So i ignored, she tried making eye contact, I looked away. it broke my heart, but I had to do it. once she was a little calm I payed attention toher and praised her for calming down but as soon as Emily or Peter would get close to the toys it was meltdown central all over again. I never thought about recording her, but I recorded it to show her case worker for the Regional Center, They DO NOT want to give her any more services that she needs, because she doesnt look "autistic!" Well I recorded 10 minutes of the meltdown, I felt like I was being judged at the time, even though i was just at home with my family, like I was a bad mom, because I wasnt giving any attention until she was able to calm down. but i knew it was what i needed to do. We ended up cleaning up the toys, all of us participated in clean up. and she was a little calm after that. oh boy, that was really a tough day! and it was only the beginning of it too! but I know we have better days ahead of us. and that helps me feel a little better. :)

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