Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Posting from my phone!

So I didn't get a chance to write yesterday, but today I will, and I'm trying it out from my phone, let's see how well it works.

Yesterday Kaitlyn missed her ABA therapy session at the "preschool" setting. I was kind of upset because her therapist is not experienced and well I don't want her to work with kaitlyn because she is also doing training for the company or the program, I don't know its just annoying me and I made sure I spoke to the supervisor before going back. So tomorrow is her first day back after missing two days. I voiced out my concerns and if they are not met then I will be saying goodbye. They make enough money to not help my daughter out the way she needs help.

Kaitlyn has been having a few rough days but they seem to come and go. I really can't wait to get her on her on her diet that she needs to be on! I know it will help her plus it doesn't hurt at all to eat healthier. And well I need to start myself :)

Today peter called me and the phone was breaking up, so I was hoping we would just get on Skype since that's usually what happens he calls me to get on Skype n I do, well then he called back n when he called back we couldn't stay on the phone anymore, all he said was I love you and something else because the phone kept cutting off. I'm pretty sure he said ill call or try to call tomorrow. So that was pretty sucky. But hey hearing his voice is always better than not hearing anything.

Yesterday i was so upset. I even got real crazy on my Facebook n posted that whoever wasn't here the past 3 months will most likely not be around in our lives when peter gets home, and I wasn't kidding, it doesnt matter who you are, it makes me upset that no one is around when peter is gone (except of course the few people that have been and I'm ever so grateful) but I def don't want these people to decide to come around once peter gets home. Just really irritating and I'm sure a lot of people can relate, specially if your spouse is gone right now.

On a better note, today I went to Target with the girls and my sister I was so excited I found a Dodger Blue color nail polish!!! And on sale!!! So I bought it and came home and the bottle BROKE!!! I think I'm going to go back n buy another one tomorrow. I am also loving all the clearance deals they have going on at my local Target!!! They are making it into a Super Target with groceries and in order to make space they are marking down a lot of stuff!!! I have been able to buy peter care package stuff, and blankets for the kids, and just other household stuff.:) I love deals!!!! Haha

Oh oh oh I almost forgot, tomorrow I go down to San Diego to Rady's Children's Hospital to start Parent Training with kaitlyn with a new therapist!! I have met her before, a real good friend of mine (don't worry my friend I won't put you on blast) did the parent training there with her daughter and that was her therapist as well!!! So her new therapist is seriously kind of intimidating but if she can help me help my daughter I'm all for it!!! :)

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